Vitamin C what is it? Why do we need it? These two questions we get asked all the time!

Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that has multiple uses within our skin. Because of its antioxidant properties, Vitamin C aids in your skin's natural regeneration process, which helps your body repair damaged skin cells. It aids in boosting collagen and elastin production, reducing the signs of ageing, correcting pigmentation, uneven skin tone, improves scars, and brings radiance to the skin. It isextremely healing, protects against pollution and neutralises free radical damage to the cells when applied topically.

Who needs it in their routine?

EVERYONE! Vitamin C should be added to your skin routine every morning and we like to think of it as breakfast for the skin. Especially beneficial for anti—ageing, photo damaged skins, people who get lots of sun exposure and smokers.

How does it work to protect our skin during the day?

It is highly effective in helping to boost our protection against UV exposure, free radical damage, photo damaged skin, ageing, pigmentation and healing. UV light is one of the biggest causes of
premature ageing, next to smoking and poor lifestyle choices. As your skin ages or damages oxidisation occurs, this is where free radicals steal another healthy cell's electrons, damaging them and causing them to become unstable and highly reactive. The more of these cells we have, the faster our skin ages and looks.  A morning dose of Vitamin C helps to keep our skin cells healthy, they can slow down and prevent damage by acting as scavengers and neutralising the free radicals, preventing them from existing.

When it comes to antiaging Vitamin C is a co-factor in the stimulation of our fibroblasts (which produce collagen) and aids in DNA repair. The formation of pigmentation can be inhibited due to the signal from the enzyme tyrosinase being slowed down, or switched off ,which affects the production melanin (pigment) in our skin. It also helps to lighten pigmentation that has already formed.

The key to finding a great Vitamin C is in the form that is being applied, looking for ascorbic acid (also known as L-ascorbic acid), is the most stable and effective form of vitamin C in skin care.

To learn more, and find out how Vitamin C can be added into your daily routine book a skin consultation with one of our therapists, or ask us about it on your next visit

Available Insalon Vitamin C products

Germaine deCapuccini A.G.E Vitamin C Intensive Multi Correction cream

Germaine deCapuccini A.G.E Vitamin C Emulsion

Germaine deCapuccini A.G.E Vitamin C Eye Cream

Emergin C 20% Vitamin C serum

Emergin C Multivitamin Serum with Retinol

Ocosmedics Pure C + BHA

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